
Security Camera

A security camera system is a video recording device and some amount of camera mounted on walls that captures footage of your home and property that you can view on a smartphone, tablet, or computer from anywhere using an internet connection.

How can we help you?

Security is a top priority for businesses of all sizes. If you work with confidential information or expensive equipment, protecting your business’s assets is essential to success. The same goes for your home. We can install security cameras in your home or office to give you the peace of mind you need.

What we can do for you

Here are some of the services we provide:

  • Install network cameras at strategic locations around your building.
  • Set-up an NVR (Network Video Recorder) and DVR (Digital Video Recorder) system.
  • Create a wireless camera configuration to reduce network lines’ clutter in your home or business.
  • Set-up live view and playback camera system on your phone, tablet, or computer. You will then be able to access your security system wherever you go.
  • Integrate cloud storage plans to safeguard your recording and allow online access to the camera system.

Things you should know

Peace of mind is one of the main benefits of security cameras, whether you choose to install wired or wireless cameras. They can increase your home security by letting you check in on your property from wherever you are and get immediate alerts of any unusual activity.

Here are some of the benefits of security cameras:


    • Deterring criminals: In most cases, thieves will surveil a place before they rob it, and if they spot cameras installed, they will most likely abort the burglary attempt.
    • Monitor activities: By monitoring workers and visitors activity at your business site, you and your workforce can have total peace of mind about exactly what is going on under your roof.
    • Collect evidence: Crimes can be solved far more efficiently with additional evidence from a CCTV camera, helping place times, locations, and, most importantly, suspects.
    • Security cameras aren’t limited to the protection of a home. They can also allow you to check in on your kids while you’re at work.


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In the fields of physical security and information security, access control is the selective restriction of access to a place or other resource while access management describes the process. The act of accessing may mean consuming, entering, or using. Wikipedia

What we can do for you

Access control is a means of managing who enters a location and when. You can use this system to control employees, manage time attendance, and improve your home or business’s security.

Here are some of the ways we can assist you:

  • Install fingerprint access control devices.
  • Set-up time attendance software with the ability to report and prepare excel summary.
  • Integrate both the access control devices and the software to prepare payroll automatically.
  • Set-up door access control for specific users and specific times.
  • Set-up access control system for doors and windows, with centralized device for remote notification and alert.

Things you should know

Access control systems can make life easier for your employees, save you money, and keep your workplace secure. Whether you are a business owner weighing the pros and cons of an access control system, or an administrator looking for reasons to get one, here are some of the benefits of using access control systems:

  • With the scan of a fingerprint or input of a PIN, the employee can get to wherever they need with ease, and you decide who gets access to your business or home.
  • Monitor employee time attendance with ease. The system will also prepare an excel summary, which you can then use to prepare the payroll.
  • Traditional keys cannot give you user-level access control that building access systems can provide you, and they certainly cannot provide you with a log of every entry and exit.
  • Get Alerts when an intruder enters your building or home.

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